My husband and I never buy furniture on a whim. Anything from $50 - $4,000 we take weeks or even months to look at options, make pro and con list or just delay decision making. But, we actually took a leap of faith this week. His parents called from a "yard sale" on Saturday about two fantastic black leather love seats they found. I used the " " becuase they were selling very nice antiques as well as $2,000 chandilier so I am not sure the term yard sale really fits. The seller also had the loveseats up on Craiglist, which is where I got this picture.

Apparently in person the wrinkles on the couch are not visible. My husband's parents compare it closely to their black leather loveseat which I have always adored. We plan to use these in our family room in place of our sectional which we always knew was too big for the space. The family room was not high on our list of rooms to focus on, but it was tooo good of a deal to pass up. Our family room currently has tan walls and very little furniture. I am encouraging my husband that we now build a theme around a "Black and Tan" room.

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