
Wednesday, January 6, 2010

2010 Personal Goals

A piece of advice from Real Simple magazine's article on 9 Secrets of Motivated People says to "Go Public" with your dreams and intentions so others can help support and reinforce them.

So...Here are my goals for 2010

1. Lose Weight - let's get the obvious one out of the way. I would really like to drop 30 pounds. I plan on doing this by getting at least 150 minutes of cardio a week and that won't include any cheating - 150 minutes of solid time running, walking or on an elliptical. I will also incorporate more vegetables into my lunches and dinners.

2. Finish my MBA - This one will really happen whether I want it to or not, but since it takes about 15 hours of my free time each week its worth mentioning.

3. Blog More and Increase Exposure - My goals is to post at least 3 times a week which will be tough since school is starting up again. I would also like to have at least 5 non friend or family member followers. Maybe even some comments.

4. Do the Dishes - my poor husband has been strapped with doing the dishes everyday for the past 2 years. My excuse is always....I am in school and don't have time. Well I need to make time. I still have a time constraint so I don't want to take it over full time, but at least 3 times a week seems like a good goal. This is just a little way to help him out for all he does for me.

5. Build a Better Wardrobe - My closet is filled with so many items that don't fit right and just honestly don't look all that nice. My goal is to buy only well made and classic pieces. I need to focus on expressing myself through accessories not sale items from Target. And finally get myself a great pair of jeans. I tried this last year and they ended up shrinking.....lesson learned - cheap jeans may fit great in the store, but not after washing.

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