I am not sure why but I have just not been feeling the "home" thing or blog of late. Maybe it's becuase I am focused on work or maybe I have just been frustrated at how slow things are moving. Whatever the reason, I feel like I am back in the saddle again. I had a very productive weekend to show for it.
First, Whit and I never saw eye to eye on the wedding picture to go in our signature frame. Shown in this blog from almost a year ago...did I already mention the frustation at how slow things move here. I ordered all three pictures this weekend so we can put each picture in the current frame and "live with" each one for a week or so to help us decide.
Second, I also ordered the pictures from my trip to China to finish our guest room. Shown in this blog post from almost a year ago...again with the slow moving thing.
Third, I layed out a moodboard for our living room. Although it didn't take that long to put together, I see it as a HUGE step forward for us in terms of finally getting that room moving. You may remember my blog post for the rug that we bought for that room. As I suspected, the rug held us back in our couch options. We have been shopping for couches off and on over the past year and we always fall short of a decision when it comes to the fabric choice. Last week when we were out looking we decided to look at fabric choices not holding ourselves to the color palete dictated by the rug. We finally reach a concensus - Burnt Orange. So with that in mind here is my moodboard and it's already signed off on by the hubby.

I am in love with the ikat design, but since it might be a fleeting fad I only worked it into the pillows and one accent chair. Hopefully if I grow tired of the design in a couple years it will be easily replaced. I love the color of the couch shown, from Crate & Barrel, but the fabric is kind of rough and scratchy. We will continue to look for something this color, but in a softer fabric. Similarly with the ikat chair from Urban Outfitters, I don't love the chair style but I am hoping I can find a wing back chair in a similar fabric shown above. The leather chair is from Pottery Barn, but we are hoping we can find something more reasonably priced at Green Front in Farmville. Finally I want to finish off the room with a sissal rug and replace the curtain trim with a simple design like the green key shown in either blue or orange. Maybe a year from now I will have an update.
Looks like a great start Cara! I've been looking for a couch for 2 years, so I feel your pain!